Realizing that natural lighting seems to be my more favored form of lighting, I should expand my work by trying a variety of artificial types (such as LED, Fluorescent, etc) that I have been learning in class. Daylight gives a more natural and welcoming sense to an image, in my opinion. Natural lighting leaves less warm tones over an image than artificial lighting created by most overhead bulbs. Of course, there are ways to fix an image if tone ratios are the problem. The only other downside other than brighter, more blinding white patches depending on what is being shot, would be the timer daylight is on. Artificial light takes longer to die out (however long a light bulbs life span is) where as if you were to use only natural lighting it would be a race against the sun before it sets into dusk.
I totally agree. It is interesting to experiment with different light sources, but natural light is definitely my favorite, too.